Use Salesgear+Pipedrive Integration to streamline your workflows

Boost your sales team's productivity with Salesgear+Pipedrive. Say bye-bye to all the manual data entry & other mundane tasks 👋

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Put an end to manually updating your contacts

Updating the details for hundreds of contacts in Pipedrive manually is tedious and time-consuming. You waste your reps' time when they could be closing deals. But with Salesgear+Pipedrive integration, you can -

  • arrow_forward_iosAuto-sync new contact details from Pipedrive to Salesgear and vice versa. Or sync both platforms simultaneously without the need for a third-party tool.
  • arrow_forward_iosUpdate existing contacts in Salesgear automatically, if there's a change in Pipedrive. Save hours everyday to focus on revenue-generating activities.
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Sync contacts from Pipedrive to Salesgear with just one click

Don't create new contacts in Salesgear whenever there is a new contact in Pipedrive. With the bi-directional integration of Salesgear & Pipedrive, you can -

  • arrow_forward_iosAuto-import inbound contacts from Pipedrive CRM to Salesgear sequences and start nurturing them with just one click.
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Make Pipedrive CRM your single source of truth

Sync all the day-to-day activities that you perform in Salesgear to Pipedrive. Have Pipedrive CRM as your single source of truth. Do not switch between different tools looking for contact information.

  • arrow_forward_iosAutomatically sync copies of your emails sent, opened, link clicked, and replied from Salesgear to Pipedrive.
  • arrow_forward_iosLog all your tasks in Salesgear like phone calls to Pipedrive and maintain all contact conversations in one place.
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Avoid repetitive tasks & build a repeatable process with Salesgear & Pipedrive automation

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