Prospect faster with instant access to millions of key decision-makers from the best companies.
Generate quality leads with Salesgear. Discover your buyers with verified data from a database of over 200+ million records
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“I've used probably close to 10 different sales engagement platforms and prospecting tools since beginning my career. Salesgear is one of the easiest tools to use, hands down! It's super user friendly and makes it easy to use with all in one platform.“

Find contacts that you're looking for
Use filters such as company revenue, industry, job title, level, department, and more to narrow down your target contacts' emails & phone numbers.

Build a list of your prospective buyers in seconds
Create an accurate list of your prospects by navigating through 1000's of potential customers from a database of over 200+ million records

Get verified and quality data for your prospecting needs
Receive quality data with verified emails and phone numbers and reach more inboxes to generate quality leads.
Get started in seconds

“At Lamdatest, sales teams close deals fast. Velocity is key for us. With Salesgear, our sales leaders are able to scale best practices in record time. Today, sales teams focus more time on closing deals and less on manual tasks.”